Professional video and photography in Barcelona
If you are reading these lines it is very likely that you are interested in hiring our services or being part of our team or providing us with a kind of service. I hope this information helps you out of doubt.
MODE MEDIA is a video marketing agency in Barcelona specialized in the production of professional video and photography for Social Media with its own audiovisual production company oriented to offer services for communication, marketing and brand agencies. Currently we focus part of our production on the creation of content for social media, Branded content and video marketing, but MODE MEDIA has almost ten years of experience in the production of videos for companies, corporate photography and event recording for brands.
Half of our clients are companies and international brands for which we have made filming of conferences, corporate videos for interviews with CEOs, CMOs, multi-camera filming, etc. Our team consists of professionals in the field of video, photography and sound. Given the nature of our clients, a large part of our team speaks Spanish and English. We also speak Portuguese, German, Catalan, Galician, French, among others.
In addition to having our audiovisual equipment our team of professionals consists of camera operators, cinematographers, sound technicians, advertising and film directors, production assistants, brokers, graphic designers, broadcasters, makeup artists, stylists and photographers.
Please indicate the necessary basic information if you are a brand or company in need of audiovisual services.
Provide the information requested below in the link, if you are looking for work and you are a professional del video and photography.
If you are a supplier you can register in our database so that we have your services and products.
We leave you a couple of samples of our work as a video marketing agency so you can get to know us.
Trabaja con nosotros
[contact-form to='' subject='Job Application'] [contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Last Name' type='text' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Provincia' type='select' options='Foreign,A Coruña,Álava,Albacete,Alicante,Almería,Asturias,Ávila,Badajoz,Baleares,Barcelona,Burgos,Cáceres,Cádiz,Cantabria,Castellón,Ciudad Real,Córdoba,Cuenca,Girona,Granada,Guadalajara,Gipuzkoa,Huelva,Huesca,Jaén,La Rioja,Las Palmas,León,Lérida,Lugo,Madrid,Málaga,Murcia,Navarra,Ourense,Palencia,Pontevedra,Salamanca,Segovia,Sevilla,Soria,Santa Cruz de Tenerife,Tarragona,Teruel,Toledo,Valencia,Valladolid,Vizcaya,Zamora,Zaragoza' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Place of residence' type='text' placeholder="Please writte your city or your country." required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Código Postal' type='text'/]
[contact-field label='Education level:' type='select' options='Sin Estudios,EGB/Primaria,Secundaria,Formación Profesional Grado Medio,Formación Profesional Grado Superior,Grado Universitario (Diplomatura/Licenciatura),Postgrado' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Education / Training' type='text' placeholder="(Ex: Bachelor of Photography, Diploma in Graphic Design):" required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Professional category' type='select' options='Director, Producer, Production Assistant, Photographer, Screenwriter, Community Manager, Marketing, Journalist, Video Editor, Motion Grapher, Sound Technician, Art Director, Camera Operator, Makeup and Hairdressing, Graphic Design, Internship Application , Other category' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Samples of Work done' type='textarea' placeholder="Attach links to works similar to those produced by MODE MEDIA for its clients" required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Own equipment' type='textarea' placeholder="Please list the names and models in case of being a photographer, camera operator or other technical area; it does not matter if it is not available. Clarify also equipment with which you usually work." required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Work Programs and App' type='textarea' placeholder="Specify the programs and applications that you know how to use and the level you have. Ex: Advanced Lightroom, Final Cut Pro X Intermediate, among others. Please in case of video editing programs clarify that it is FCPX and not FCP7" required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Languages' type='text' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Car and driving license' type='select' options='I Have both,I do nott have car but I have driving license,I do not have car but I have driving license,I have none' required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Link to your website, portfolio or CV' type='web' placeholder="For security reasons we do not accept attachments." required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Presentation:' type='textarea' placeholder="Information relevant to the position." required='true'/]
[contact-field label='Accept' type='radio' options='I've read the privacy policies'/]