Service: Corporate video

Client: Plastiflex House Solutions

Date and location: October 2018, Caldes de Montbui

Duration: 1 day shooting, 3 days of editing, including meetings for changes. Approximate delivery time: 2 weeks.

Plastiflex is a company who designs, develops and manufactures custom-made hose systems. Its products are manufactured in a wide range of diameters and lengths. They are also equipped with cuffs specifically developed to ensure optimal connectivity and performance in the total hose system. Plastiflex, for example, supplies a wide range of plastic swimming pool hoses for the maintenance and cleaning of above ground and in ground pools.

The company has been operating in Spain for more than 20 years and had the need to produce a presentation video of the company to use it for its communications and presentations with suppliers and potential customers. After some first meetings, the objectives to communicate through the video were agreed with the client. A budget production design was presented, showing the times and resources needed for production. After the budget was approved we developed together with our script writing team a filming plan (one day) to record at the Plastiflex facilities in Caldes de Montbui. Once filmed and edited the client could see the result and send a list of small adjustments to finally have the video ready to continue communicating and promoting the services of its company.

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Plastiflex House Solutions | Corporate video
Plastiflex House Solutions | Corporate video

Plastiflex presents its corporate video which is produced by MODE MEDIA video productions company in Barcelona with the world best experience.