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Special day with ADDC’s Design Conference

Tag: Conference service Barcelona

For the second time, we were offering audiovisual coverage for the ADDC event. This event presents conferences about app designers and developers around the world, work side by side every day to build some of the most incredible and innovative applications.

This is the opportunity for app designers and developers to work together and to create a collaborative space.

Here, our mission was to record all of speakers presentations during two days with two high definition video cameras. Because we collaborated with this client last year, (here you can watch the project) we filmed for a second edition. Our production services integrate the sound, high quality image and for this project we following the style of “Ted talks videos”.

Now, we make an editing with the best form to enjoy expertise of design’s audience.

The video will soon be available on our website as well as on that of our clients.

Contact us if you are interested in our conference’s services production.

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Tag: Video production Barcelona

MODE MEDIA crew was hired to produce a promotional video of conference on digital marketing organized by the magazine MarketingDirecto.

It is the leading website for information on marketing, publicity, media and new technologies.

The topic of conference was access to the futuristic technology. Are you wondering what your future car will look like? Or how will you shop at the supermarket? What is the future of our advertising? Several of  these questions were answered by experts invited to this gathering.

Press on the following link if you want to hire production and marketing services for your conference.

Here you can see more about our video project.

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Tag: Corporate video production Barcelona

Recently MODE MEDIA collaborated with the famous Spanish beer brand ESTRELLA GALICIA. Our corporate video services were required to cover their meeting event.

For this project, our role was to film all the conferences for their internal communication, in addition to photo and video coverage for external advertising purposes.

Taller estrella

Contact us, If you are interested in MODE MEDIA covering your corporate event. 

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Tag: Event video production Barcelona

Advertising agency Group Saned connected us to cover an event for one of his clients: Fedepharma, for a multicamera recording a lecture on constipation, for the guild of pharmacists. Abbott Laboratories finances part of the event, which takes place on two cameras capturing the sound board for subsequent sync in post.

Once done assembling and editing the entire video conference video is sent to the client with timecode, to provide its opinion on the final product. The client instructed us to edit it into a video summary of the conference giving us a final result of 30 minutes video clip compared to the initial hour and forty minutes. Our service included video compression filming the video conference for optimal diffusion internet.

Captura de pantalla 2015-04-20 a las 18.26.22
Follow the link if you need a video recording of the event. 

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