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We are just about to release two promotional videos in barcelona commissioned by “Patricia Cupcakes”. They don’t fit into the traditional corporate video format but it was meant to be like this from the beginning.

In this world everything is needed, Lafargue Patricia has been making “cupcakes” in a non conventional way for a while. She predicted the demand for this market, as a result the sales peaked and she has made a name for herself in the culinary business.

Both videos were made in a single session to minimize costs. The filming session breathed the same air that you breathe when you’re spending a relaxing afternoon with friends.

The first video is only intended to show to Patricia in her kitchen doing what Stephano likes. In the second of the videos, with a more music video style to try to recreate the atmosphere during classes Patricia Cupcakes offers. The willingness to cooperate by both Patricia and her husband Stephano is essential to try to get good results in any audiovisual production.


more about Patricia and her cupcakes in //


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