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Retiro de Yoga en Instagram

Tag: Vídeos para redes sociales en Barcelona

MODE MEDIA fue contratada por Shambala Gatherings, un centro de retiro de yoga de Suecia, para producir videos para las redes sociales.

Actualmente, estamos a punto de terminar el proyecto. Consiste en una serie de videos adaptados para su posterior publicación en su página de Facebook, feed de Instagram feed and stories ads.

La próxima semana publicaremos nuestra serie de videos, así que manténgase actualizado para verlo.

Deje una solicitud aquí, si su empresa o marca está buscando servicios de video en Barcelona.

Echa un vistazo a otros trabajos realizados de vídeos para redes sociales.

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Yoga Retreat on Instagram

Tag: Video production for social media in Barcelona

MODE MEDIA was hired by Shambala Gatherings, a yoga retreat center from Sweden, to produce a videos for social media.

Presently, we are about to finish the project. It consists of series of videos adapted for further posting on their Facebook page, Instagram feed and stories ads.

Next week we are going to publish our series of video, so stay updated to check it.

Leave a request here, if your company or brand is looking for video production for social media in Barcelona.

Have a look at other works done for social media content.

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Tag: Agencia de contenidos para redes sociales

Un mes mas ultimamos la edición de los contenidos para las redes sociales de la marca Total Safe Pack.

Esta empresa se dedica a la comercialización de cajas para transportar vinos, cervezas u otras bebidas en vidrio. De tal forma que evitan que las botellas se rompan durante el tránsito.

Las fotos fueron editadas para su publicación en las cuentas de Instagram, Facebook y Twitter. Las fotos se tomaron en diferentes lugares, donde te podemos recordar la satisfacción y poder comprar un buen vino o cerveza sin temor a que se rompa.

Siga el enlace si su empresa está buscando producción de videos y fotos para las redes sociales.

Puedes ver más contenido relacionado en fotos de productos en Barcelona.

¡Hasta la próxima!

Muestra del trabajo de corrección de color para las fotos de la campaña.

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Tag: Social media content agency Barcelona

We finalized the edition of the contents of drinks for the social media of our client Total Safe Pack.

This company is dedicated to the marketing of boxes to transport wines, beers and other beverages in glass. In such a way that they prevent the bottles from breaking during transit.

The photos were edited for publication on the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts. The shots were taken in different places, where we can remind you of the satisfaction and to be able to buy a good wine or beer without fear of it coming broken.

Follow the link if your company is in search of video and photo production for social media.

You can see more related content in product photos in Barcelona.

See you next time!

product photography for wine bottle
Example of a campaign photo for Total Safe Pack

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Tag: Servicio de social media marketing Barcelona

Brewdog ha declarado él “Punk State”, ofreciendo Punk Ipa gratis en 15 ciudades europeas. La compañía escocesa BrewDog busca invadir el mercado europeo con el sabor de su marca de cerveza insignia “Punk Ipa“.

La campaña consiste en ofrecer cervezas gratis de Punk Ipa en las ciudades más pobladas de europa. Por esta razón, la primer ciudad es Barcelona donde MODE MEDIA ha producido la cobertura fotográfica del evento para branded content de Brewdog en sus canales de redes sociales.

Haz clic aquí para conocer más información sobre servicio de social media marketing Barcelona .

Presione aquí si su marca necesita contenido de redes sociales.

¡Hasta el próximo post!

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Tag: Social media marketing agency Barcelona

We are ready to present you our latest creation in collaboration with one of the most creative agencies in the city Carrots Barcelona.

Our newest video marketing campaign is introducing the latest pharmaceutical product from Xeros DENTAID.

We have discovered that pharmaceutical  company Dentaid aims to be the world-wide reference for preventing, diagnosing and treating the dental condition of their clients.

Press here if your brand needs video marketing services.

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Tag: Social media content agency Barcelona

Shambala Gatherings contacted us to create content to promote the Yoga retreat on social media. They wanted to have a content for Instagram account. We have been provided to make content for them with photography and video production.

We produced a video content focussing on promotion of Shambala vegan kitchen. Based on the personal contact and conversations with the visitors of retreat we designed a creative and narrative content.

You can see all the food stories videos:

Shambala Food Stories – Jenny from MODE on Vimeo.


Click on the link, if you are looking to record a promotional video in Barcelona for social media.

You can see related video for social media we have done.

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Tag: Social media advertising services Barcelona

MODE MEDIA’s campaign for Colgate  has won an Effie award in Colombia for effective advertising efforts. Our contribution to the campaign for Colgate Luminous White was designed with communication agency Young & Rubican, Colombia, media agency Netsonic, Miami and three of the most popular Colombian Instagram influencers: Camila Zuluaga, Andrea Marmolejo, and Tuti Vargas.

We produced 3 video and photographic material with influencers for social media.

Promotion turned out to be a huge success in Colombian market. This campaign allowed Colgate to sell twice the amount of expected sales for its new product Luminous White XD Shine’s expected sales.

Click here if you want to promote your company’s products.

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Tag: Influencer marketing Barcelona

MODE MEDIA amplía sus ofertas mediante la implementación de servicios de marketing de influencers.

Podremos contratar influencers para promocionar su marca y productos a la audiencia. También recibirá estadísticas y un seguimiento durante y después de la campaña.

Al utilizar nuestros servicios, ahorrará tiempo y dinero porque no hay intermediarios durante todas las comunicaciones, lo que nos permite reducir el costo de sus campañas con una comunicación más rápida y eficiente.

El marketing de influenciadores hará lo siguiente:

  • Aumente sus ventas llegando a un consumidor seleccionado
  • Mejore su conocimiento de marca
  • Aumenta el tráfico hacia tu sitio web
  • Aumenta tu presencia en línea

Podrá elegir entre una amplia gama de influencers que se comunican en las siguientes áreas:

  • Moda
  • Deportes
  • Comida
  • Estilo de vida
  • Tecnología
  • Art
  • Ciencia

Llegue a su destino a través de las plataformas más famosas y usadas: Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter.

Contáctenos si está interesado en los servicios de marketing de influencers.

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Tag: Influencer marketing Barcelona

MODE MEDIA expands its offers by implementing influencer marketing services.

We will be able to hire influencers to promote your brand and products to the audience. You will also receive statistics and a follow up during and after the campaign.

By using our services you will save time and money because there is no intermediary during all communications allowing us to reduce the cost of your campaigns with faster and more efficient communication.

Influencer marketing will:

  • Increase your sales reaching a selected consumers.
  • Improve your brand awareness
  • Increase traffic towards your website
  • Increase your online presence

You will be able to choose from a wide range of influencers communicating in the following areas:

  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Food
  • Lifestyle
  • Technology
  • Art
  • Science

Reach your target via the most famous and used platforms: Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter.

Contact us if you are interested in influencer marketing services.

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Tag: Brand promotional video services Barcelona

We offer our production services for marketing agency Young & Rubicam. The campaign involved three of the biggest Instagram influencers in Colombia: Camila Zuluaga, Andrea Marmolejo and Tuti Vargas.
The project was a campaign for new Colgate Colombia product Luminous White Xd shine. We were hired to produce videos with influencers for social media content.

Below you can find all the recorded videos from campaign Luminus White Xd shine toothpaste promotion:

Send request, if you are looking for a video services for your brand promotion on social media.

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