Category: Corporate video services.

Client: Comfone

Date and location: October 2019, Valencia

Duration: 1 day

Description: Our camera crew collaborated with an audiovisual production company BonitaWorld, to produce a corporate video for Comfone, a telecommunications company from Switzerland.

During the Was10 event held in Valencia, we offered photo and video services, as well as interviewed Comfone clients from different parts of the world.

The filming lasted all day and was done in 4k format. The final product contains a corporate video of 2 and a half minutes.

The editing lasted 3 days.

Follow the link, if your company is looking for Corporate video services  for your event.

Alternatively, if you are looking for streaming services in Barcelona then take a look at our work with the Pasqual Maragall Foundation.

Comfone | Was10 Valencia
Comfone | Was10 Valencia

Corporate video services for Comfone company recorded in "Science Museum" Valencia city in collaboration with BonitaWorld.